Goodbye to Sao Paulo, Hello Madureira

I am in my first area called Madureira, it is in the middle of the mission. My first companion is Brazilian, his name is Elder Kezicik, yeah it is a hard name to pronounce. I love it here, it like twice as hot than Sao Paulo but I haven't gotten a sunburn yet but I got my first blister yesterday, one of many to come! I have had the opportunity of meeting some of the members and teaching some people the first and second lesson. Right now we have two people with a baptism date, hopefully it goes through. Their names are Maria and Ligia, both girls. We are also teaching a part member family, Luis Marcos is the father and a member, Oliver, Ronny, Donald, Steve, and I can't remember the others...they are all over eight years old. Yesterday I had the opportunity of teaching the members a lesson about how members are missionaries and how missionaries are angel. It was great, I felt the spirit so strongly. Love and miss you Elder Turner

1 comment:

  1. Julie - thanks for the great missionary blog! It's on my favorites now - Ric
